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Company Philosophy

Company Philosophy

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    Pioneering and innovating: Pioneering and innovating is the source of a company's growth and development, as well as the internal driving force for enterprise development. We actively encourage employees to innovate and implement the spirit of innovation in various aspects such as decision-making, planning, marketing, management, technology, and production.

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    Harmonious sharing: Sharing is the driving force for employees to work actively. Xincheng Machinery requires every employee to fully devote themselves to their work and the company, while sharing the value created by hard work, in order to achieve harmony and unity between individuals and the company.

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    Customer oriented: Customers are an important cornerstone of Xincheng Machinery's core competitiveness. We establish strong partnerships with our clients, which can enhance their competitiveness and bring maximum benefits to our shareholders. We prioritize our clients and create value for both our clients and the company.

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    Honesty and integrity: Honesty and integrity are the fundamental values of honesty and integrity machinery. Our practice of corporate governance and the requirement for all employees to adhere to high professional ethics are concrete manifestations of implementing honesty, integrity, and mechanical integrity.

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