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Enterprise History


Zuofeng continues to be committed to innovation and technological upgrading, constantly launching new products and solutions to meet market changes and customer needs.


The company introduces advanced production equipment and processes to improve production efficiency and product accuracy, further enhancing competitiveness.


Zuofeng promotes corporate social responsibility, focuses on environmental protection and sustainable development, and actively participates in public welfare activities.


Pay attention to employee training and development, establish a comprehensive training system, enhance employees' professional skills and teamwork spirit.


The company strengthens its quality management system, passes ISO certification, and ensures the high quality and stability of its products.


Zuofeng began to expand into the international market, establish cooperative relationships with foreign customers, and enhance the brand's international influence.


The company focuses on product research and technological innovation, continuously improving the performance and quality of hot melt drill bits to meet the growing needs of customers.

Began in 1989

Zuofeng hot melt drill bits were born, and the company adheres to the concepts of innovation, quality, and customer orientation, laying the foundation for enterprise development.

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